SafeDeposits is the leading landlord deposit scheme in Scotland, which has attracted around 69% of the market. We are the only tenancy deposit protection scheme based in Scotland, operating from our office and contact centre in Glasgow. We aim to help make compliance with the Regulations as quick and easy as possible. You can find out more about SafeDeposits in our scheme rules.
The Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011 define how landlords and letting agents must handle tenancy deposits. If a landlord or agent takes a deposit from their tenant, they must transfer the deposit to a government-approved landlord deposit scheme, such as SafeDeposits Scotland, and provide the tenant with particular key information within 30 working days of the tenancy start date.
Should a landlord fail to protect a deposit and/or provide the key information in accordance with the Regulations, tenants can apply to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) for financial sanctions against the landlord. If the Tribunal is satisfied that the landlord has failed to comply, they may order the landlord to pay the tenant up to three times the amount of the deposit. In addition they may order the landlord to transfer the deposit to a landlords deposit scheme. A tenant has up to three months after the tenancy ends to apply to the First-tier Tribunal for sanctions against the landlord.
To help provide further information and answer your questions on landlord deposit schemes in Scotland, we have a range of short YouTube videos, guidance documents and FAQs.
SafeDeposits Scotland is a partner of the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) - the largest and only dedicated national organisation that represents landlords and letting agents throughout Scotland. SAL supports and represents its members' interests through providing resources and assistance as well as delivering lobbying and campaigning work. Click here for membership information.
Switching to SafeDeposits Scotland is simple. Find out how to switch, and read more about our features and services that have attracted around 69% of the market, here.
Our resource centre contains a wealth of guidance documents to help you navigate the tenancy deposit protection process, as well as news and articles and details of forthcoming events.
If one of your tenancies has ended, you can start the deposit repayment process by logging in and submitting a repayment proposal which will be sent instantly to the tenant.
Protecting a deposit with SafeDeposits Scotland is quick and straightforward. Here you can enter the tenancy and deposit details to build a deposit protection certificate.
If you are already registered with SafeDeposits Scotland as a landlord or letting agent you can login to access your online accounts via the link below.
We occasionally send e-newsletters to share helpful information and guidance on our services. You can sign up to receive these newsletters here.
© 2023 SafeDeposits Scotland Limited, All Rights Reserved.
SafeDeposits Scotland Limited is a company registered in Scotland with number 405020